One needs an eye to find out the humor in day to day lives. We can tell you, it’s not an easy task but today we have the best of coincidences these people not only encountered but managed to click it for the world to see and laugh. Going through this article will increase your chances to observe your look at your surroundings with a funnier perspective!
Mountain Man 
We can’t say if this man himself noticed the identical mountain figure or he was just busy in getting tanned. In both the cases, the one who clicked this picture got ‘a pic of the day’. We can’t just get over with this man’s body shape after noticing the mountain that looks like his shadow.
Rainbows Are In Stock
Rainbows are the symbol of colors since childhood we run to look out for rainbows whenever it rains and immediately turns sunny. This Rainbow store caught an amazing scenery of a rainbow, right in the background of their store. To us, it looks like this rainbow appeared on the rainbow store’s employees’ demand or just another coincidence.
Good Head On His Shoulders
The United Nations works to maintain peace among the countries. This UN’s employee either seems to disagree with the organization or got clicked coincidentally at an ironic moment. Most probably this gentleman is completely unaware of how he just got clicked in a situation that may have raised many questions on him. Well, we hope that his seniors understood it just as we did and laugh the whole scene away.
I Mustache You A Question 
We are clueless about how did this even happen? If this newscaster is the robber then why is he even sitting there and challenging the viewers? But he wasn’t aware that this will come quite obvious to people who aren’t paying that much attention to the TV. Wow, a coincidence just got telecasted!
You Are What You Eat
In your kid’s school function when you are not willing to interact and you are actually forced to do it. This person was just passing his time with chocolate covered marshmallow, when he located his chocolate identical, not on the packet but it was the human head!
Camouflage For The Air-Conditioned Jungle
Were you able to identify the cats first or the carpet? Fluffy and Rosa went missing but when their owners starting searching for the cats, they realized Fluffy and Rosa were never missing. It’s just that their owners couldn’t differentiate between them and the carpet.
Bird Is The Word
The images in books always grab kids attention and that’s what they’re put in the books to increase kid’s interest in reading, to explain in a better way with the help of the images. Images work as illustrations and examples. However, this kid, right here, got a live example of how does the bird looks like. And what about this bird, who is possibly hoping for her mate to hop out of these pages so that they can fly together?