This story is an odd one out, and a love like them is sure to be your couple goals yet you would never wish for their love story. Too much uncertainty for one life, still we hope, love, take all the risks and keep moving forward with every new day. Ups and downs are surely a part of life for each and every one of us, just that for some, their worse nightmare is a reality, and they’ve to live with it. But miracles happen when people get over their nightmare to fulfill their dreams, because of their will to achieve their dreams, which is much stronger than their nightmares. One such instance is of Jake Coates’ and Emmy Collett’s.

“What one loves in childhood stays in the heart forever.” Mary Jo Putney, a best-selling American author once said and her words fit perfectly with the story of Jake and Emmy.

Childhood Friends

This story started when Jake and Emmy were 11 years old, the pre-teen stage of life, and both went to the same primary school. Jake was from Monmouth, Wales and Emmy from Luckington, Wiltshire and it took no time for the two to become friends instantly, however, what you won’t believe is how this school friendship was soon to turn their lives another way around. It’s strange how life holds the power to play with us when everything appears to be perfect, Jake and Emmy’s lives are true examples of such incidents. Read on to know how!

School Crush

We all had our first crush, our first love and sweet kiddish memories that last lifelong, however, a few are blessed to find their soulmates in the tender age. Emmy shared her memories in an interview stating, “My ‘schoolgirl crush’ on Jake started almost 20 years ago when we were just 11 years old. We quickly became ‘childhood sweethearts’ and at 13 he told me that I was ‘his lobster.’” referring to Phoebe’s famous phrase for her friends, Ross and Rachel from the most lovable TV series Friends. Though life’s unexpected happenings were about to change their lives in the least expected ways.

Successful Lives

Jake was now a doctor and was living in Sydney, Australia, close to his workplace while Emmy was working as a teacher in London. Not similar to their get-togethers during holidays, this time somehow everything was planning to bring them together for a whole different reason and they both were unaware of it completely and when you’ll know what happened next and the biggest obstacle that was waiting for them you might feel dejected. Go ahead to read how Jake and Emmy’s lives were about to change forever.

Fallen Again?

After all these years finally, Emmy and Jake came together again and this time it wasn’t just their ordinary holiday meet. They realized the fact how they were looking for each other all this time like they were meant to be together and the best thing happened lately, but they realized the fact that they get along perfectly not just as friends but as partners for life. This wasn’t all for them as within 6months of time the couple was about to face the biggest shock of their life.

All Set For The Big Day

By March 2016, Jake knew that Emmy completes him in every way, and so he was ready to take their relationship to the next step as he didn’t want to lose this girl, right by his side, this time and so he had everything planned for a proposal.  He had pictured the wonderful moment already on his mind and he was just preparing for their best trip to happen when life brought them to a dead end.

Humble Request

Before the couple could take off for the tropics, Emmy was in Sydney to meet Jake as she usually does. She was supposed to return to London on the next day hence, it was the last day of their time together until their next trip to the Philippines. She was spending time with her childhood love, next to the beach lying in the sunlight. They looked like the rest of the couples for the last time. As Emmy’s request was about to destroy all their plans.