We all have bad days, but some of us sometimes, have days worse than bad days. These people below were having one of those days. And obviously, they aren’t happy about it. However, their plight is so bad that is funny and will totally make your day better with a hearty laugh. So enjoy at others’ expense and try to not let ANY of this happen to you. EVER. Because it’s not funny when you are the one in the situation!

Happy Burnday!

Having hair cut by having them burnt is actually the in thing today, I kid you not. You can google it if you have trust issues. For this woman, however, a haircut was not on the cake, card I mean. This birthday of hers would definitely have been memorable for all the wrong reasons. Hope she was able to put out the fire from her hair before her scalp started showing! She was blowing the candles but they blew hair away.

Hole-y Sh*t

Let’s not even answer the first question that pops in our head after seeing this picture: How did the person even manage to break a metal key while still inside the lock, let’s forget that. Let’s focus on how will the person get the broken half OUT of the keyhole. Hope this person had a mobile and a locksmith’s number on it because there is no other way they are getting back in there again.

Oh Boy

This can freak out anyone. ANYONE. Including the airplane staff. I am hoping that the person sitting on this window seat wasn’t a heart patient and that pilot was informed in time and there was an emergency landing. Otherwise, this would have been the live version of Lost.

What Are The Walls For?

Their kid is at that age where it has discovered the colors but not learned to use it on paper. Consequently, it considers every surface to be its colors book even this expensive Mac screen. Apart from buying their child a coloring book now, these parents would learn to hide their permanent markers. As for the artistic scribble on the screen and keyboard, hope these people are rich enough to buy a new one because these marks are NOT coming off!

That’s My Spot

You know how lions fight amongst each other for territory? Well, they don’t discriminate among animals. And like Sheldon, they are really particular about their spot. Hope that all the lion did was to pee on this man’s tent to give him the message.

This Seat’s Taken

High school can be a really trying experience for some students (Remember, 13 Reason Why?) Popularity standards are set and you are judged for the lamest of the things that happen to you. Alas, this girl chose an unlucky seat to sit on this day or someone pulled a cruel prank on her. Not only is she stuck in the chair, other heartless students laughing at her adds to her humiliation. Hope she was able to get out of it! (both the chair and the situation)