Duty Calls

NavySeamann Matthew Wilson had to be away for a long six months. He served deployment outside of the USS Carl Vinson. We all know that it is extremely difficult to be away from family and obviously, it was a difficult time for poor Wilson. However, it is a known fact that a military marriage means that duty is prioritized. After fulfilling duties, the other things follow. This is the life a military couple has to lead.Duty Calls

A Sordid Past

Wilson and his wife Rebecca back home had been speaking on the phone and telling each other about their experiences at both ends. However, there was something in the way his wife was speaking that left Wilson to suspect that there was something wrong. He had a sense that she was hiding something from him. Since they had a harsh past, he was not wrong to be feeling like this.

When you take up a career as a sailor, it is bound to have some side-effects on your relationships. During this time, Matt was actually on his 3rd shipboard duty assignment. This happened coincidentally in the 5th year of his marriage. He and his wife were high school sweethearts who were making their dreams come true. The couple lived in suburban California with their son.

Image result for couple fight

High And Dry

When Matt returned from his 2nd tour, there was some news that was waiting for him. When he reached home, he would have to deal with a serviceman’s worst nightmare. All that he possessed had been snatched away from himHe came home to a home that was completely empty. It would seem that Rebecca was done with living her life that way. She had been at home all alone, doing nothing and with her newborn baby. She had no one to spend time with and loneliness somehow got to her. She did the only thing that she thought was sensible. She decided to move back home with her dear son.

 However, the two decided to somehow work things out. But it was going to take Rebecca many years to earn Matt’s trust. After she pulled such a horrifying stunt, it was only fair that he felt a little disappointed in her. he went through. So then, after having 2 kids together, what would make her throw everything away?

High And Dry

Loose Lips

When a few months passed as Matt was on his tour, he got a message from one of his good friends claiming that Rebecca was acting very weird. He told her that she was shutting herself off from society. It was also very weird to note that Rebecca was selling some of Matt’s furniture too. Matt wanted to put his trust in his wife but she was making it very difficult.

Even though he loved his wife very much he knew that it was getting unbearable for her to spend so much time alone without him by her side. As time went on, it was getting time for Matt to go back home. He would be able to speak to her about all his frustrations and so could she as soon as Matt reaches home. He was feeling very anxious and scared to go home though.

Loose Lips

Secrets, Secrets

When he reached home, Rebecca did not want to waste another minute to tell him her reasons for acting so weird lately. For anyone, it would be wise to speak about it as soon as possible. “But then I thought about it for a few minutes and I was like, ‘You know, this isn’t how I want to tell him – in an email,'” she revealed as she explained that thoughts that ran through her head during that time.

“I emailed him back and said, ‘I just miss your voice,” she said when asked about what she wrote to him. But then again, that was not going to wear off all of his worries and misunderstandings. But then the ship that Matt was posted on had to go head-to-head with one of the world’s most powerful nations. It was a sad fact for Rebecca as her plan was crumbling right in front of her.

Secrets, Secrets

The Moment of Truth

It was finally time for Matt to come home. He was among the many sailors who came home in San Diego. Rebecca had devised a master plan to reveal what she had been keeping from Matt all this time. But if something was to go wrong, it would turn into total chaos. She made use of her kids to distract him and also by holding a “Welcome Home” sign, to keep him from knowing.

“My heart was racing,” Rebecca explains when it was time for her to let the cat out of the bag. She then proceeds to explain what actually went down during the big reveal. “I stood back and let the kids run to him. I hung back for a minute, and then he reached into me to give me a hug and then I dropped it. He just stood there in shock. He didn’t know what was going on.”

The Big Reveal


Perfect Reaction

It was obvious that Matt initially got very confused. At one point he even thought this was some sort of prank and that his darling wife was just pulling his leg. Do you think you would be able to keep such a huge secret from someone else? It must have taken a lot of effort and planning for it to remain a secret. Matt was beyond shocked to see that his wife actually succeeded with her master-plan.

The three elder Daugherty kids were the first to run over to embrace and welcome their uninformed dad. Then, Matt turned his face to the person on the side to give them more hugs. Just then his wife Rebecca decided to hold a huge sign with the words, ‘Welcome home baby daddy,’ written on it, over her belly. She waited for him to give her his undivided attention.

Perfect Reaction

The Huge Sign

So after Matt greeted and hugged everyone else that was present there, waiting for him, he made his way towards his wife. So just then, Rebecca seized the moment and held out the big sign. She then asked him a question, “Do you like my sign?” She then decided to show him her growing stomach, revealing the big secret that had been kept from Matt all along.

“She said, ‘Surprise!’ and dropped the sign, and I was confused,” Matt recalled, as he spoke about the moment Rebecca unveiled her pregnancy to him. “And then I actually poked her belly because I wasn’t sure if she was playing a trick on me or not. Clearly, she was not. There were a lot of thoughts going through my mind,” he added, confirming just how perplexed he was.

Image result for navy man surprised by pregnant wife