Everybody realizes that pets are a great compatriot, they give us unconditional love. It is even said that a puppy is man’s closest companion. Here are some safe house puppy selection stories that we expect would make you either treat your canine better or ideally inspire you to adopt one. Read about their enthusiastic stories and their sheer happiness on being embraced by adoring families. There have been a plethora of stories about the great impact an adoption can have on the life of a shelter pet be it a dog or even a cat, who are treated with no affection and care – but words fade in comparison to seeing that uncontrolled joy first hand. We sometimes forget that dogs are like humans beings on so many levels: their behavior reveals everything about them. They are inarguably important partners in life.

Surprised About His Adoption

A dog named Benny is a cute and shy dog. He did not know a bit about what the future holds for him. His long wait of being adopted was finally over. Surprisingly for him, a family adopted him. He had never expected that he would ever get a permanent home, where he would get proper care and attention. He spent maximum part of his life in a shelter home. He lived in Carson Animal Care Center, a kill shelter located in Gardena, California. He just hoped that there would come a day when a family would come and rescue him. And finally, things changed for him.

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Finally Adopted

So, a few months back, a beautiful family adopted Benny. He was really surprised and overwhelmed. He could barely control his emotions. He was ecstatic which was totally opposite of his behavior inside the cage. His life was indeed dull inside his cage where he couldn’t do anything except sitting.

Albeit Benny’s story has a positive ending, sadly, there are millions of shelter dogs who are in similar condition, in which Benny was in the shelter home. The number is countless.  You cannot even count the number of pets that need caring and affection, maybe just even in your neighborhood. To know more about adopting a pet, or to discover other ways of helping them just visit your local animal shelter.

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A long wait for Chip

Chip arrived at the animal shelter when he was just 7 weeks old. All he required was a loving and a caring family. But little did he knew, that he had to wait for that moment for long 15 years. This little dog has spent almost his entire life at the Save-a-Pet Shelter which is located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. But recently, Chip was finally adopted and he got a home of his own. His waiting period of 15 years finally came to an end. A member of the shelter home was extremely concerned about Chip. Hence he posted a plea which read,  “Chip has NEVER had a home, NEVER had a family to love and cherish him, NEVER had someone to play with him or take him for walks, NEVER had a warm bed to sleep in or a human to cuddle up to.”

A Desperate Plea

And finally, Chip would have all the fun and pleasure at his permanent home. The shelter had posted a beautiful adoption photograph of Chip and his new dad, Jaco Rademeyer, who was about to take the tiny dog to his very first home.As Chip is now aging, he has some medical issues. Doctors claim that he doesn’t have much time left. But, he will spend the last quarter of his life with all the comfort he desired since many years. The shelter tried to give him all the care and love, but the feeling of living in own house and with own family members is irreplaceable.

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Chester’s Social Media Attraction

This is Chester, a 6-year-old Pit Bull mix. He had been living at the North Fork Animal Welfare League situated on Long Island. After getting a lot of attention for his photo on social media, he is finally adopted by a family which is based in New York City. He waited for this moment for 5 long years. This adorable pooch was leading a monotonous life in New York state shelters since 2010 and it seemed like the things were not going to change for him. But his picture which was shared online changed his life forever.The shelter he was living in, is located in Riverhead on Long Island. They had posted a photo which grabbed dog-lovers attention. It exuded Chester with a signboard around his neck, and the image was especially clicked in a manner that could melt anyone’s heart.

Welcome to the family: On Friday morning, Dana Dor, her husband Adi, and their boys, Aidan and Brandon, headed from their Lake Ronkonkoma home to meet Chester

Dog With A Message

‘Why doesn’t anybody want me? I’ve been waiting 5 years. Everyone at the shelter tells me what a good boy I am. So why has no one adopted me? I promised to be good and love my new family. Please maybe you are my new family/ I sit and wait for you to come,’ the message read. The picture was an online hit. It had been shared over 6,000 times and people from across the globe inquired about Chester’s adoption. After a few days, a family adopted Chester, who belonged to New York. Once they received a confirmation call from the shelter, they rushed to bring Chester home.

Saying goodbye: Saturday morning, volunteers came to the shelter to say good-bye to Chester, a longtime favorite among those who’d come regularly to walk him and give him belly rubs and kisses