The Strange Paintings

It’s important to note here that these paintings discovered in Spain at three locations aren’t that vivid as the paintings created by the Homo sapiens. They are much more abstract which displays Neanderthal handprints, dots, and strange geometric shapes. “The finds further narrow any perceived behavioral gap between the Neanderthals and us,” said Professor Stringer.

Figurative Art

“The next big question is, ‘Did Neanderthals make figurative art?’ We’ve got hand stencils, we’ve got lots of red dots, and we’ve got these lines. We want to know whether there are paintings of the kind of animals they were hunting,” said Professor Alistair Pike, University of Southampton.

No Longer Unique

After this discovery humans have no right to say that the Neanderthals were stupid or dump. We are in no position to feel superior from them. This discovery has shown us their ability to create beautiful art which we thought was our birthright. The Neanderthals created these paintings much before humans. This discovery has opened new doors and where it would lead next we have no idea. But one thing is for sure that the Neanderthals were similar to us humans.

Cueva de Los Aviones

Cueva de Los Aviones which translates to “Cave of the Aircraft”. This is an archeological and paleoanthropological site located in a southern-east part of Spain. This place became world famous in 2010 after archeologists discovered some pigments of shells which dates back to 50,000 years. Some shells are even 115,000 years old. But why the name Cave of the Aircraft?

All In The Name

This place got its name after the scientists discovered the oldest object the Airplanes, personalized jewelry. These ornaments are said to be the oldest evidence ever found in the whole world. The amazing part is that they don’t belong to early humans but the Neanderthals. The discovery changed the course of the history. The archaeologists community all around the globe couldn’t talk about anything else except this discovery.

The Pigments

The discovery made in the Cave of the Airplanes including some ancient pieces of shells baffled the entire archaeologists community. These pigments told a very interesting story about the Neanderthals. These shells were in orange, black, and red color. According to the scientists, these shells must have been used as a symbolic thing by these people in their own rituals and customs.
Whatever would have been the case, this discovery opened has opened some new doors and the mystery related to this world and humans has become more difficult to solve.