They Tell Us Something

The Lascaux is just 17,000 years old but still, makes it one the most amazing discovery of the time. The paintings dictate about the time of early humans that lived in these caves and roamed around in the forest. The cave consists of nearly 6,000 images, which includes animals, human figures, and abstract signs. But what surprised the scientists most, the cave didn’t have any images of landscapes or the vegetation of that time.

Significance Of The Cave Paintings

These paintings help us to see the times in which we weren’t present. They tell us about the start and the middle of the human journey. An amazing journey which we humans have covered and still doing so. Imagine the world in the future where some genius minds would solve the mystery of the human civilization. People would be able to see the order in which everything happened. The way these researchers were able to tell that this amazing discovery wasn’t human, there would be a time, when they could also tell, what all happened and how? Here we have some answers that amazed the scientists to the core. What is it? You’ll find out soon.

Gain From Spain

Coming back to this incredible discovery which took place in Spain, left the archeologist community baffled. To their surprise, some of the dozen paintings were more than 65,000 years old. You could imagine the excitement these scientists would have felt while discovering these precious paintings. Not only that, they even found several seashell beads and pigments believed to be around 115,000 years old.

Totally Surprised

The archeologists found some amazing artworks in the cave which were discovered in Spain. But what surprised the archeologists the most was that there were 6,000 artworks in number. Even in past, the archeologists’ community haven’t found the cave paintings in such a big number. But there was another problem, who created them? They couldn’t tell because there was no clue to rely on. But soon they found out about the artists who created these amazing work and you’ll be shocked to see that it wasn’t humans who made them. Then who?

Look In The Past

What they found in the caves in Spain was something extraordinary. But the question was who is the creator? The assumption that this must be the work of early or maybe modern humans but the dates weren’t matching the theory. Some of these paintings were 115,000 years old and by that time there were no signs of early humans living in this area and we all know that only we humans had this talent of expressing themselves, right? No, not this time.

The Link?

None of the cave paintings found in Europe dates back to the paintings which were found recently. And all of these paintings were created after the early human-settled in these parts of Europe and not before that. But these paintings were created when there was no sign of humans and still they are here. But who made them? The team was taken aback by the answer which was not fo which they thought of.