We don’t just decide to get a tattoo overnight. There is a selection process for the right tattoo. People can take months to be certain about the tattoo they would like to have and we’ve known people who make instant choices.

However, what is equally important is to get it done by a professional artist otherwise the following examples can be anyone’s true story. The simplest of the tattoos can be ruined and with a spoiled tattoo, a lot of trouble is on the way for sure.

Advice Taken!

We are out of words for this one, people really don’t think about what they’re getting on themselves is not gonna vanish within a few days; people, it’ll stay throughout your life until you’ve enough money to get it removed. It’s just a ‘D’ dear, why don’t you ‘plan ahead’ for it?

Plan Ahea-


Does this tattoo ring any bells inside your mind too? The big blue eyes and the greyish facial shades make this tattoo quite similar to the White Walkers of the Game of Thrones. This is one of the famous head tattoos on the internet and it’s definitely worth it. Though the tattoo isn’t admirable the person who got it on his bald head with some hair left in such an artistic way is all good about it.

The Night King

Starry Face

Hangovers have the power of making us do things, we’ll never dare to do when we are in our senses. We aren’t saying it on the basis of our experiences, this lady’s example is just a reminder that how one should maintain distance from tattoo artists and any friend who is a tattoo maker before getting drunk and high.

Star Light, Not Too Bright

I’m Lovin’ It!

What was Stian Ytterdahl thinking of when he got this tattoo? We would love to know the story he most probably told the tattoo artist behind him getting McDonald’s receipt tattooed on his hand. Heights of dedication towards his favorite food outlet and his choice could have been the logo but no for some reason, it’s the receipt!

Got My Order?

Process On Hand

The frustrating steps we need to follow when our PC suddenly shows the warning to restart it! We just don’t want that screen to pop up ever! But here is ‘the man’ who took it to the next level and got the steps inked on his arm. Did he face some issue remembering the steps? What went wrong with him? This now seems to be a common question!

At Arm’s Length


Courage! Is that what he meant? Is that how courage is spelled? Guess what, you can just google it before you get it inked on your skin forever! Well, our empathies are with him as we are quite sure he didn’t even notice the mistake he has made. This picture is just to show off his new tattoo, which apparently is misspelled.


Ultimate Hack?

Tattoo of a shoe might look cute but this one is a sure blunder, its a shoe tattooed on the feet and that too not on the complete feet! People are reaching to new levels of dumbness with every next slide in this article. Due to the severe examples, we’ve to warn you;

Disclaimer: this article is to find humor in others’ mistake and learn from their mistakes.

Chuck Taylor Forever

Evolving Tattoo?

We think it’s more of a ‘rough sketch tattoo’ than a ‘final copy’. On his hand! Seriously, people are losing some senses here. At least the guy with the tiny brain to get this tattoo still used his brain and didn’t add ‘human evolution’ written on his hand that too spelled wrong.

Evolution of a Tattoo