That’s One Way To Do It
This is indeed an amazing example of just how inventive the human brain can become. We love the fact that this guy who wanted an upside down fan took matters into his own hands by taping the fan on the ceiling. We hope that he used enough tapes to hold the fan as it would be a sad sight to see it fall on someone by chance.
Clever Or Dumb?
This boy’s engineering skills is something commendable. However, we must remember that the thing he has constructed is something that is just not safe to use on the road. The technical part that went into making this bike is impressive the practicality is debatable.
Let There Be Light
Some people love the dark while some love to spend time in the light. Her we have a guy who decided that it was too dark for him to study so he decided to do something about the lighting in his room. He went and made something innovative using two bulbs. Now he can study nicely.
Just Do It
When you cannot afford to buy or wear Airmaxes and Air Force 1s, what can a boy do? This kid is clearly a huge fan of the Nike sports brand. Since he had an injury, he could not really rock his sneakers as he’d like. He found a clever way of branding his cast so that he can still feel like he is wearing his sneakers.
Literal Loafers
Here is a guy who has taken his love for loafers way too seriously. He is flaunting his loafers that are actually made of what? Loaves of bread! While we can agree that they look very cool, we would not be so sure about their practicality. A loaf of bread for shoes? As if!
Ah, Waterfront Dining
We all know that McDonald’s is one of the most successful food franchises in the whole wide world. This right here shows the reason why they are so successful. They have cleverly advertised the flooding water on their property as a place where people can enjoy “waterfront dining.”