There is always an element of surprise that follows us in life. We can never be so sure of our future and what it holds. What we can do, however, is hope for the best and face it head-on. We all know that life is what you make of it, therefore, even if there is something totally unexpected or unwanted, how we react to them determines the kind of life we ultimately lead. Here are some of the most inspiring photos that are sure proof that life can be beautiful as long as you maintain a sense of humor and resilience.

Just Do It

When you cannot afford to buy or wear Airmaxes and Air Force 1s, what can a boy do? This boy is clearly a huge fan of the Nike sports brand. Since he had an injury, he could not really rock his sneakers as he’d like. He found a clever way of branding his cast so that he can still feel like he is wearing his sneakers.



Let There Be Light

Some people love the dark while some love to spend time in the light. Here we have a guy who decided that it was too dark for him to study so he decided to do something about the lighting in his room. He went and made something innovative using two bulbs. Now he can study nicely.




Clever Or Dumb?

This boy’s engineering skills is something commendable. However, we must remember that the thing he has constructed is something that is just not safe to use on the road. The technical part that went into making this bike is impressive the practicality is debatable.


Okay Just Stop!

What can you do when you find yourself constantly bumped on by other cars behind you in heavy traffic? What is a person to do, every time you fix the back of your car, another car comes to smash the rear end of your car once more? This guy has had it enough and decided to just kindly and shall we say, hilariously beg for the cars behind to stop hitting his car.

Enough Is Enough

At Least He Apologized

What can you do when your car has been mistaken for another person’s car? This guy decided to congratulate and inform his girlfriend of how proud he was to see her pass her exam with flying colors. He decided to spray paint her car to send a special message. In the middle of executing this, he realized that he had spray painted the wrong car. He did apologize though…using spray paint…
