Knock Knock Joke
You must be very careful while buying appliances and electronic devices online. We should always keep in mind that since these are usually high priced, we need to take extra caution if we try to buy them online. This guy bought a new flatscreen tv online and waited a week for it to get delivered. Little did he know that when it arrived, he was going to have the biggest surprise of his life.
Short-Term Solution
This guy had been unable to sleep soundly as he lives right across a busy street. At night his bedroom would get an overwhelming amount of flashes from cars and traffic on the street. He was getting headaches and finally decided to do something about it. He ended up buying a thick set of curtains that proved to be a little too short for his lengthy window. He was of course incredibly frustrated.
Model Not Included
Sometimes, there are people who check online stores and hope to buy items that aren’t actually available. This guy here was dumb enough to actually think that the model in the site was for sale. He claims to have given 5000 bucks to get the girl but received only the dress. This is a mistake that he has made on his own thinking that sites would actually sell models.
Carefree Clothes
Sometimes, we get a little overconfident and think that we would be able to pull off clothes that statuesque models adorn on shopping sites. We often forget that these models workout every day and follow strict diet plans to maintain their figure to make the clothes look presentable. This woman was completely thrown off track after trying on her two-piece Grecian inspired apparel she bought online.
Spreading It Thin
Well, once again this lady becomes a good example for us to remember checking the dimensions of utensils we buy online. She has bought a chopping board and a knife set that seemed like a very good price when she checked them on the site. She would later realize that she committed a grave mistake of not checking the dimensions. Just look at the size, just how?
What A Snake
While looking through the net from standout pieces and unique items, we often find many options. They look good online but when they finally reach us, we are left disappointed and underwhelmed. This guy wanted to get a realistic looking snake belt that would show off his masculinity. But when it arrived, he found the face of the snake to be altered. The belt went from looking like a fearsome snake to a friendly one.