Stairs To Heaven

Oh No, don’t assume that these are actually the staircase to Heaven. Rather this is a long stairway which leads to a calming beach in Algarve, Portugal. This must be a secret route to reach out to the beach. Walking along this stairway might be a more romantic walk than walking on those sands.

That Symmetry

This picture would make you praise the timings when it was clicked. A calm beach with two women sunbathing and equally calm two manta rays approaching them. For some unknown reason, this is a well balanced and a symmetrical image, as if the creatures were asked to pose like that.

WWII Shipwreck

I am quite sure, that a shipwreck would have never calmed your soul like this one. Though it’s all in pieces and is broken, the way it floats on the blue water surrounded with lush green trees makes it a complete picture. This shipwreck belongs to World War II and was found in Coron in the Philippines.

Trip To Remember

Every couple has this dream of driving on an empty highway in a classic car with the man or a woman of their dreams. And this couple is definitely living that dream by driving in a  Ford Mustang Convertible on the Route 66. This reminds us of a movie scene where the camera is perfectly rolled to the aerial angle to snap such a shot.


Beaches are often called the Best Escape Anyone Can Have. And when a beach is as breath-taking as this one, who wouldn’t want to visit it. The tall coconut trees and the unlimited tan from the sun shining over the soothing beach of Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic is a place one needs to rush to.

Relaxing Tanzania

You will be surprised to know that image is not from an island but is a National Park situated in the west remote Region of Tanzania. This is Mahale Mountains National Park which is across the Lake Tanganyika. This water body is one of the deepest lakes of the world. One fact which makes this place even an adventurous one is that one can land here only by water or air.