Unusual Colours
We are so used to things being the usual that whenever things appear different from ‘normal’ we do not quite believe it. But believe it or not yellow is not the only color bananas come in. They are brown in color and also bright red! Obviously, we all know about the green ones. Purple carrots and purple corn are new for me too. But anything purple is pretty (unless it is a bruise mark) and so are these food products.
The Blood Rain, Kerala
This was a one-time occurrence but it is worth mentioning. It happened in the Indian state of Kerala and it is still baffling researchers. The town of Kottayam was rendered red when it rained like this. Some scientists have tried to reason out that it was caused by particles from the Arabian Desert or in some way linked to the erupted volcano in the Philippines. This happened on July 25, 2001.
A Natural Illusion
No, these are not two different pictures. It is just one. The lake shoreline is so straight that it seems as if these are two separate pictures. This particular photo was taken in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada which is Canada’s oldest national park, constructed in 1885 in the Rocky Mountains. Got to admit the beauty of the scenery.
Crooked Forest, Poland
A number of theories have been put forward to explain the crookedness of these pine trees which were planted in 1930 but scientists have not found any solid reason yet. Some believe that there was some human interference to makes the trees grow like this some believe the trees are deformed. Yet another theory is that they are shaped like this because of a stronger gravitational pull in that particular area but no solid reason has been found.
Massive Waves
This picture is pretty famous and it was taken in 1989 by Jean Guichard. It might seem like this man is standing outside this waiting-to-fall lighthouse waiting for his doom but he is waiting to be rescued. This is Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument, located near Brittany, France and surprisingly it braved this storm and is standing strong even today.
The Spotted Black Jaguar
This is one of the rarest animals on the face of the earth. Black Jaguar. And they birthed only from similarly spotted jaguars. As can be seen, this majestic animal has golden fur and black spots. They were initially considered a different species altogether but not anymore. They probably are the most awe-inspiring members of the cat family in terms of aesthetics.