
A fogbow also called a white rainbow or even ghost rainbow is formed the same way as the normal rainbows. The only difference is that it appears due to fog and not rain. When the droplets are quite small the bow is white and hence its name. This stunning picture was captured by photographer Melvin Nicholson in Scotland who said- “I ventured down to Rannoch Moor recent to photograph this lovely lonely tree in the mist when all of a sudden this unbelievable fogbow appeared. It is a colorless rainbow that is made up of tiny water droplets that cause fog. It’s an amazing thing to witness and can generally only be seen if the sun is behind you when you are looking at it.”

Mammatus Clouds

These strange looking clouds are mammatus clouds, which means mammary clouds. They are called so because of the udder like shape they have and they are quite a rare sight. These clouds are considered as preceding intense thunderstorms and tornados and so even the pilots avoid nearing these clouds for the fear of turbulence. The first recorded description of these clouds dates back to 1894. If you are ever under these bubbly clouds then be assured you are to witness some nasty weather.

nature photos

(L)Only Brown Panda

Pandas are the cutest and the funniest. Why is this image rare? Because this is the only, THE ONLY brown panda in the world. He is named Qizai and he resides in the Foping Panda Valley in China. The reason for its brown fur is considered to be a mutation. But being rare did not bring him much reputation in his own community.

nature photos

A Natural Painting

This is not a work of painting. It is a place in China called the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park. This might as well be the most naturally colorful place on earth. Why does it look like this? Over hundreds of years, there have been deposits of red sandstone and sediments of mineral deposits clubbed with rain and winds. These factors have led to the formation of beautiful colorful towers, ravines, waterfalls, and valleys. Image source

The Arctic Hare

These weird appearing rabbits are called Arctic hare and they have awesome adaptation technique for the unforgivable climate of the Arctic. They can change their fur color depending on the season! In winters they have a snow white coat and in summer their fur turns brown or grey. These fast animals (can travel at 40mph) are found in  Greenlands and the Canadian Arctic.