“There is MALE inside FEMALE, MR. in every MRS. and HE in each SHE”.  No, I am not playing with words and your brain, but read this saying again. It has a deeper meaning. This one proves that a WOMAN outlives MAN.

Not only physical fitness, workout sessions and a healthy diet make women live longer than men but they don’t do crazy stuff like these too. Men will always remain a little child who is supposed to be directed every time.

What, don’t you believe this? Well if not then have a closer look at these 40 photos. You surely would start believing what I just said. These photos are another reason for women to live longer.

What Is Acrophobia?

No, not again mistake me for asking you this question. But, after having a look at this image, I surely want to ask this man ” Is there a thing like an acrophobia”? Well, even if there is one, he surely, ain’t aware of that.

Let’s get real. He has a job to do, be it first floor or even a 35th one; work is work. Man, even if someone offers a million dollar to do this, 90% of people would step back. Remaining 10% hold on, you too don’t need to prove your masculinity here with this.

#Don’t try this crazy cleaning tactic!

What An Idea

I don’t know what were these men even thinking while planning to do something like this. Who passes on a piece of furniture to one another, that too over a balcony? They definitely were creative enough to devise a way to spare some hours of hard work, but still.  Don’t forget to look at these macho looking men trying to hold it from beneath. Well, women must have never known that removing a t-shirt gives you more strength. Maybe, some beers gave them this brilliant idea!

#Women, let’s handle crockery and cutleries like that. Just Kidding.

Having A Good Time

Have you ever had run late for the duty? If Yes, then you must definitely be aware of its consequences. The next time you run late, just consult this brave man. He can advise you on how can you save your time in changing your clothes. Just jump from up and you will land straight into your pants. The two young men at the level below are quite sure that the man above will land right at that spot.

The man was a brave one but still opted for a safety helmet. How Smart!

That’s Cool

Are you also wondering, what kind of vehicle is this? Some really intelligent men connected the spare parts to design an all-new bike. Voila! You are ready to go on a road trip.

Well, little did the guy know that the engine of a bike is so steaming hot that it almost burns the skin which comes in contact with it. Who so ever manages to drive it should protect his sensitive parts. Or maybe carry a cool pack along.

#Be sensitive towards your body parts.

What A Catch

No, wait a minute. Is he trying to push the couch in or is he trying to move it out? Whatever it might be, those arms are really strong ones. And just look at that ladder. Can’t seem to find one? Oh, it’s a car. Cars are the new ladders, my friend.  The next time you need to move a piece of furniture, don’t trust your house’s pivot but jump to that window pane. It will save your time and maybe some bucks as well. All you need would be Popeye’s arms and your car.

Wires Water And Cheers

Having snacks to munch on by the pool is a really nice idea. But, getting wires in the pool to ensure a steady supply of beers is a crazy one. Little did these men know that water and electricity do not go hand in hand. I am further amazed by their brilliant brains. You know why? See how they used their rubber slippers to arrange that plug-point wire. Cheers for such sharp minds.

#Don’t try out this deadly combination.