Happy Meal Toy

The Ultimate Happy Meal Toy
The toy selection at McDonald’s nowadays is not something to be excited about. The quality of the toys that happy meals come with has downgraded immensely. Just think back to the times when McDonald’s meal and their toys were all that kids wanted. Look at these grown men getting excited and proud of their Ronald McDonald toy and car here.

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Here we see a prime example of what everybody calls a ‘fashion disaster.’ You may be a fan of McDonald’s but there is a limit to being a fan sometimes. We must have all heard about the girls who showed up wearing the same dresses for prom, right? Well, in this case, this lady has shown up wearing the same pattern as a what, yep, a chair!  This is heights!


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We all know that kids love it when they get to eat Happy Meals and some toys? This is something that any child would be looking forward to. However, we know that the food at McDonald’s is not the healthiest though it may be very yummy. This mother here wanted her kids to eat healthily but, they are huge fans of McDonald’s. She tried to trick her children into eating this but her kids were not that blind to fall for her trick.

Who Would Fit?

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We all know that we as humans come in different shapes and sizes. There are thin people and there are heavier people. We all pee or poop and all our bodies function more or less the same way. So when you look at this door, do you know anybody who would fit or could get in? Even the skinniest of people would struggle to get behind this door so McDonald’s, you need to fix this.

Australia Is Very Interesting

f377d45a39388a071aa7e4a555baa3d5.pngYou may want to avoid eating at an Australian McDonald’s after seeing how they handle things. They actually want ownership of your waste and claim it is their property. Are you comfortable with letting them take hold of anything you dump in their toilets? No one would condone using these wastes as food ingredients, right? What do you think they do with it?

A Little Strange…

How shocked would you be if we were to tell you that a centaur of sorts does exist and is a frequent McDonald’s customer? Well, as you can see here, a man did go to a McDonald’s dressed up with a horse head and shorts. It would seem impossible but this did happen as evident in the image. The other guy in pajamas is also a very curious case. What do you think was his reason?