Hairy Tree Style?

Really? A tree can grow on one’s head too! Logically, No. But according to this picture, Yes. On a busy morning when everybody was rushing to their daily jobs, one person clicked this picture unintentionally and the results are in front of you. By the way, we really like the concept of growing a tree on one’s head. Imagine each one of us with a growing plant on heads, moving around with one’s oxygen, what a green world would that be!

Hide And Seek Flag

Two people posing for the photo, one of them is holding a flag, the image looks perfectly normal. It is normal unless you look at it closely, as then you’ll notice there’s this second flag in the background and someone’s holding it, but who? How is this person managing to hide?

Dark Shadows

Do you see that too? Shadows are beautiful sometimes and confusing on the rest of the times. Photographers especially wait to get the perfect shots when shadows play their magic. But this one happened all of a sudden. Walk in your room and you see a man’s shadow but guess what, there’s no man just tissues!

Eyes On You

Birdy image! How often does this happens when you look outside the window and someone is looking right back at you. We agree that this image isn’t that confusing but forbid us as it was just too good to not add on the list. Also, we need to give you something simple before showing the upside-down image to maintain the balance…

The Ultimate Toll Booth

At first, we thought that it’s just the width of this toll but it’s the height of this toll that can make anyone anxious. We are still a bit confused and not in a state to give the right explanation… it’ll take time to get back to normal…

Trompette Blew

Animals and humans aren’t all that we have for you. Nature too plays in a miraculous way. The clouds are more of smoke and the trumpet looks like the origin of the smokey clouds. So, now not only the images are confusing but our words too… What to do it’s the effect of writing about optical illusion.