Guitar Strings
This one is for guitar lovers! WD-40 can help you too. Just spray some of it to lubricate, clean, and avoid corrosion getting on the strings of the guitar. Make sure you apply a small part of it after each playing. The solution should be sprayed on the piece of cloth and not on the strings.
Greasy Hands
To get rid of greasy hands just spray some WD-40 into it. After that rub the hands with each other for some time and get the grease off your hand by wiping them with a rag. Thereafter wash your cleaned hand with soap and water so the smell too goes away.
Dirty Carpet
You get the most expensive carpet for your house and that is why it feels like hell when it gets stained. You know washing stain off the carpet is not an easy feat nor you can put the entire carpet into the machine everytime it gets stained. One thing that you can do is cleansing the carpet with WD-40. Just put some of it on the carpet and get it removed with a sponge and soapy, warm water. Do it till the stain is completely gone.
Dull Leather
WD-40 helps you in keeping the brightness of your favorite leather recliner same for many years. The solution helps one in preserving the leather stuff in the best condition for years. All you have to do is to spray it on the stuff and buff it with a soft cloth. Your leather recliner will never go out of style.
Faded Plastic Chair 
Got faded plastic patio furniture? Well, you can get them back in their shape by spraying WD-40 on the faded furniture and then wipe it with a dry, clean cloth. The result will surprise you!
Tangled Fishernet
If you are a fisherman then WD-40 can definitely help you. It can help you detangle the fishing line and for that, all you have to do is to spray WD-40 on it and get a pin to do away with small knots. Not only that WD-40 is equally helpful in keeping the fishing line curled for a longer time.