Body Identified

Day Off

The scientists luckily managed to get the true identity of the pilot. They excavated further and found a service record. They described, “It was not in one piece, but it was enough to read his name.” So who was the pilot? 

Few Things About Him

Image 17 Mystery Pilot

The name of the pilot was Hans Wunderlich who was only 19-year-old at the time of the accident. He hailed from Bavaria, Lithuania. They also recovered two never used Danish coins along with food stamps stuff for a canteen belonging to Aalborg air base that is in the vicinity.     

Reaching Out To The Germans
Reaching Out To The Germans

Well, the discovery baffled authorities too. Though they had gotten enough evidence and even a name written on paper. They thought of confirming things before believing the evidence. They contacted the German embassy in Copenhagen. It was Marko Naoki Lins who picked up the phone. The man told them about a record of German soldiers who died during the war that they had. And the name in the list matched the name they had o papers they found.

Decades Ago

Proving His Grandfather Right

The crash happened on 10 October 1994. The excavation process to fetch the plane and the pilot was put off as they thought it to be futile. Reports say, “deadly crash in marshy terrain. Excavation work was postponed since this was in vain.”

News Spread

Image 5 Personal Items

“There are records that someone in northern Denmark crashed into a mire in November 1944, and it was impossible to get him up… So that could be him.” Historian Flendsted said. However, it is still unknown as to what this young lad was doing in the plane? What was his aim? Unfortunately, the answer of all these questions has gotten buried with him.

Remained A Mystery

Image 24 Bones And Clothes

The rubble and rusted pieces of the plane had been its burial place for more than 70 years. It was after 7 decades his family got his missing body.